Me at three

We are very excited to share with you our pioneer program Me@three!
Me@three is a developmental program that will create engaging therapeutic learning experiences to improve the emotional, social, cognitive and self-help skills of your child. Our centres will be working alongside Motivate Kids, childhood Occupational Therapists. Our goal is to develop your 3 year old into being the best 4 year old that they can be!
Me@three is a simple 4 step program incorporating occupational therapy experiences into our Ocean Room to help your child grow. Motivate Kids will provide an assessment of each child’s development, returning at 3 months and 6 months to check in to see how each child is developing. We have created a video to further explain the program, watch the video here: ME@THREE VIDEO
What is the Me@three program?
This program involves the following steps:
- During their time at Emali, our educators will assess that children are achieving their developmental milestones
- Families will be notified if children are identified as having any developmental concerns, and the educator will partner with the family and the OT to provide personalised therapeutic support whilst the child is attending the Emali centre.
- Families will be educated about how they can reach out and ask for any support to incorporate OT at home.
- As a part of the educators application of the EYLF framework, regular developmental check-ins will take place at the centre.
- Along the way the Emali pioneer child-centred curriculum will keep our educators informed about how they can provide ongoing and timely support to the children to encourage muscle development and self-regulation.
- Informative parent sessions and evenings will allow one on one discussion of your child’s developmental outcomes.
Me@three is a value-add program = free of charge to all families
The program is a value-add service that Emali and Motivate Kids are partnering together to provide to the Ocean Room families. There is no cost to families for this.
Developmental Checks
The Occupational Therapists will complete standardised Developmental Checks within a group setting in the Ocean Room indoor and outdoor spaces.
There are many different areas of development that Occupational Therapists look at to ensure your child will reach their full potential.
- Gross Motor: standing on one foot, walking upstairs, jumping down and forward, walking on tip toes, kicking ball, catching ball, throwing ball,
- Fine Motor: marking with a crayon, turning pages, inserting shapes, snipping with scissors, stringing with beads, folding paper, building with blocks
- Cognitive: moves body to music, counting, imaginary play
- Language: identifies sounds, answer question to short story, names common objects and actions
- Social: sits quietly when listening to a story, names a friend, shares toy with another, says hello and goodbye, transitions between activities, waits for turn
- Self-help: wipe nose with tissue, swallow food before taking another bite, turns water off, put on socks, push arm into jacket sleeve, opens container to remove food.